TestNG — Software Testing QuestionHub #13
In this article, we are going to drive into TestNG Interview Questions and Answers, which will be helpful for you to crack the interviews.
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How to run failed test cases in TestNG?
To run failed test cases in TestNG, you can use the “testng-failed.xml” file, which is automatically generated by TestNG when a test run fails. This file contains information about the failed test cases, and can be used to re-run those specific tests.
To run the failed test cases, you can use the command line by executing the following command:
testng testng-failed.xml
Alternatively, you can also use the “testng-failed.xml” file in your testng.xml file to include the failed test cases in your next test run.
<suite name=”My Test Suite”>
<test name=”My Test”>
<include name=”com.example.tests.*” />
<include name=”testMethod1" />
<include name=”testMethod2" />
This way when you run the tests, it will include failed test cases as well.
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Can we integrate TestNG and jenkins with maven?
Yes, it is possible to integrate TestNG and Jenkins with Maven.
To run TestNG tests in Jenkins, you will need to first configure Jenkins to use Maven as the build tool. This can be done by installing the “Jenkins Maven Plugin” in Jenkins.
Once Maven is configured, you can create a Jenkins job that uses a Maven “pom.xml” file as the build configuration. In this “pom.xml” file, you will need to specify the TestNG dependencies and any other required dependencies for your tests.
You can also configure the Jenkins job to run TestNG tests by adding the TestNG plugin to your Maven pom.xml file and providing the testng.xml file path in the Jenkins job configuration.
Once everything is set up, you can run the Jenkins job and it will use Maven to build and run your TestNG tests.
For example, you can add the following plugin in your pom.xml file to run testng test cases
You can then run the following command in the Jenkins job to run the test cases
mvn clean test
In Jenkins job configuration add the above command in the build section.
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How to add TestNG in eclipse?
There are a couple of ways to add TestNG to Eclipse:
- Using the Eclipse Marketplace:
- Open Eclipse, and go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
- Search for “TestNG” in the search bar.
- Click on the “TestNG for Eclipse” plugin, and click the “Install” button.
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
- Using the Update Site URL:
- Open Eclipse, and go to Help > Install New Software.
- Click on the “Add” button to add a new update site.
- Enter a name for the update site (e.g. “TestNG Update Site”), and enter the following URL in the “Location” field: “http://beust.com/eclipse“
- Click on the “OK” button, and select the checkbox for “TestNG for Eclipse”.
- Click on the “Next” button to proceed with the installation.
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Once the installation is complete, you will need to restart Eclipse to complete the process. After that you can start creating TestNG test cases, by right clicking on the package or class you want to create test cases for, and then selecting “New” -> “TestNG Test Case”.
Alternatively, you can also create TestNG test classes by right-clicking on package, and then selecting “New” -> “Other” -> “TestNG” -> “TestNG Class”.
Once your test classes are created you can run them by right-clicking on the test class and selecting “Run As” -> “TestNG Test”
Please note that the TestNG version might be different in your eclipse so please check the update site url for the version you are using.
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How to skip test cases in TestNG?
There are a few ways to skip test cases in TestNG:
- Using the “enabled” attribute: You can use the “enabled” attribute in the @Test annotation to skip a specific test case. By default, the “enabled” attribute is set to “true”, but you can set it to “false” to skip a test case.
@Test(enabled = false)
public void testCase1() {
//test code
- Using the “dependsOnMethods” attribute: The “dependsOnMethods” attribute in the @Test annotation allows you to specify one or more test cases that must pass before a test case is run. If any of the specified test cases fail, the test case will be skipped.
@Test(dependsOnMethods = {“testCase1”})
public void testCase2() {
//test code
- Using the “groups” attribute: You can use the “groups” attribute in the @Test annotation to specify the test case belongs to one or more groups. Then you can skip test cases by excluding certain groups in testng.xml file
@Test(groups = {“smoke”})
public void testCase1() {
//test code
<exclude name=”smoke”/>
- Using the “setUp” and “tearDown” methods : You can use setUp and tearDown methods in your test class to skip test cases. You can use the ‘Assert.skip()’ method in the setUp method.
public void setUp() {
Assert.skip(“Skipping this test case”);
Please note that, any test case that is skipped will not be considered as a failure and will not be reported in the test result.
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How to execute failed test cases in TestNG?
There are a few ways to execute failed test cases in TestNG:
- Using the “testng-failed.xml” file: When a test run fails, TestNG automatically generates a “testng-failed.xml” file that contains information about the failed test cases. You can use this file to re-run the failed test cases by executing the following command:
testng testng-failed.xml
- Using the “testng-failed.xml” file in testng.xml: You can also include the “testng-failed.xml” file in your testng.xml file to include the failed test cases in your next test run.
<suite name=”My Test Suite”>
<test name=”My Test”>
<include name=”com.example.tests.*” />
<include name=”testMethod1" />
<include name=”testMethod2" />
<test name=”Failed Test”>
<include name=”testng-failed.xml” />
- Using the IRetryAnalyzer Interface: You can implement IRetryAnalyzer interface and override the ‘retry’ method to retry the failed test cases.
public class Retry implements IRetryAnalyzer {
private int retryCount = 0;
private int maxRetryCount = 3;
public boolean retry(ITestResult result) {
if (retryCount < maxRetryCount) {
return true;
return false;
Then you can configure the test method to use the above retryAnalyzer
@Test(retryAnalyzer = Retry.class)
public void testMethod1() {
//test code
Please note that, whichever method you choose, the previously failed test cases will be rerun, and the new test results will be reported in the test run.
What is data provider in TestNG?
A Data Provider in TestNG is a method that provides test data for a test method. The test method can then use this data to perform multiple iterations of the test with different input values. This allows for testing the same functionality with a variety of input data, and can be useful for testing edge cases or validating the behavior of a method with a range of inputs.
A Data Provider method is annotated with the @DataProvider annotation and returns an array of objects (usually an array of arrays) containing the data to be passed to the test method. The test method is then annotated with the @Test annotation, and includes a parameter that indicates which Data Provider to use.
Here is an example of a simple Data Provider method:
@DataProvider(name = “testData”)
public static Object[][] data() {
return new Object[][] {
{“data1”, 1},
{“data2”, 2},
{“data3”, 3}
Here is an example of a test method that uses the above Data Provider:
@Test(dataProvider = “testData”)
public void testMethod(String data, int value) {
//test code
In this example, the testMethod will be run three times, once for each set of data provided by the Data Provider method. The first iteration will receive the data “data1” and the value 1, the second iteration will receive the data “data2” and the value 2, and so on.
Data providers allow to make the test more data-driven, by running the same test multiple times with different inputs, making sure that the test case is robust to different inputs.
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How to install TestNG in eclipse?
To install TestNG in Eclipse, you can use one of the following methods:
- Using the Eclipse Marketplace:
- Open Eclipse, and go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace.
- Search for “TestNG” in the search bar.
- Click on the “TestNG for Eclipse” plugin, and click the “Install” button.
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
- Using the Update Site URL:
- Open Eclipse, and go to Help > Install New Software.
- Click on the “Add” button to add a new update site.
- Enter a name for the update site (e.g. “TestNG Update Site”), and enter the following URL in the “Location” field: “http://beust.com/eclipse“
- Click on the “OK” button, and select the checkbox for “TestNG for Eclipse”.
- Click on the “Next” button to proceed with the installation.
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Once the installation is complete, you will need to restart Eclipse to complete the process. After that you can start creating TestNG test cases by right clicking on the package or class you want to create test cases for, and then selecting “New” -> “TestNG Test Case”.
Alternatively, you can also create TestNG test classes by right-clicking on package, and then selecting “New” -> “Other” -> “TestNG” -> “TestNG Class”.
Please note that the TestNG version might be different in your eclipse so please check the update site url for the version you are using.
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What is TestNG framework?
TestNG is a testing framework for the Java programming language. It is designed to cover all categories of tests: unit, functional, end-to-end, integration, etc. It is inspired from JUnit and NUnit, but it introduces some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use, such as support for data-driven testing, support for parameters, support for flexible test configuration, and support for test groups.
One of the main advantages of TestNG is its ability to handle multiple test configurations and execution flows. TestNG allows you to run tests in parallel, which can greatly speed up test execution time. It also allows you to specify test dependencies, so that one test can only run after another test has completed successfully. TestNG also allows you to define test groups, and to run or exclude certain groups of tests.
TestNG also supports data-driven testing by providing the @DataProvider annotation, which allows you to pass data to your test methods and run your tests multiple times with different input data. This is useful for testing edge cases or validating the behavior of a method with a range of inputs.
TestNG also supports test reporting and logging features. It generates various types of reports, such as an XML report, an HTML report, and a JUnit report. TestNG also provides a listener API that allows you to customize test reporting and logging.
Overall, TestNG is a powerful and flexible test framework that provides many advanced features for test automation and reporting, making it a popular choice for Java developers.
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What is TestNG in selenium?
TestNG is a testing framework for the Java programming language that can also be used in conjunction with Selenium for automating web application testing. Selenium is a popular open-source tool for automating web browsers, and it can be integrated with TestNG to create and run test cases for web applications.
When using TestNG with Selenium, you can use the TestNG annotations and features to create test cases and manage test execution, while using Selenium to interact with the web browser and perform the actual testing. This allows you to take advantage of the features of both tools, such as data-driven testing, parallel test execution, and test reporting in TestNG, and browser automation and web element manipulation in Selenium.
For example, you can create a TestNG test case that uses Selenium to open a web page, fill out a form, and submit it. Then you can use TestNG annotations and features to set up the test, run it, and generate a report of the test results.
To use TestNG with Selenium you need to configure selenium webdriver with TestNG. This can be done by adding the selenium dependency in pom.xml file and importing necessary classes in the test case file.
By using TestNG with Selenium, you can create more robust, maintainable, and efficient test automation for your web applications.
What is TestNG?
TestNG is a testing framework for the Java programming language. It is designed to cover all categories of tests: unit, functional, integration, end-to-end, etc. It is similar to JUnit, but it introduces some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use.
TestNG provides several annotations that can be used to control the flow of execution of test methods, such as @BeforeSuite, @BeforeTest, @BeforeClass, @BeforeMethod, @Test, @AfterMethod, @AfterClass, @AfterTest, and @AfterSuite. These annotations allow you to set up test preconditions, execute test methods, and clean up test resources.
TestNG also supports data-driven testing by providing the @DataProvider annotation, which allows you to pass data to your test methods and run your tests multiple times with different input data. This is useful for testing edge cases or validating the behavior of a method with a range of inputs.
TestNG also supports parallel test execution, test groups, and test configuration through XML files. It also generates various types of reports, such as an XML report, an HTML report, and a JUnit report, and it provides a listener API that allows you to customize test reporting and logging.
Overall, TestNG is a powerful and flexible test framework that provides many advanced features for test automation and reporting, making it a popular choice for Java developers.
TestNG — Software Testing QuestionHub #13 1
Frequently Asked Questions on TestNG
- Q: What is TestNG?
- A: TestNG is a testing framework for the Java programming language. It is designed to cover all categories of tests: unit, functional, integration, end-to-end, etc. It is similar to JUnit, but it introduces some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use.
- Q: What are the advantages of using TestNG?
- A: TestNG has many advantages over other testing frameworks, including support for data-driven testing, parallel test execution, test groups, and flexible test configuration. It also generates various types of test reports and provides a listener API for customizing test reporting and logging.
- Q: How do I install TestNG in Eclipse?
- A: To install TestNG in Eclipse, you can use the Eclipse Marketplace or the Update Site URL. In the Eclipse Marketplace, search for “TestNG” and install the “TestNG for Eclipse” plugin. In the Update Site URL, add the location “http://beust.com/eclipse” and select the checkbox for “TestNG for Eclipse”
- Q: How do I create a test case in TestNG?
- A: To create a test case in TestNG, you can use the @Test annotation on a method in your test class. Then, you can use other annotations such as @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod to set up and clean up test resources, and use the @DataProvider annotation to pass data to your test methods.
- Q: How do I run test cases in TestNG?
- A: To run test cases in TestNG, you can use the TestNG Eclipse plugin, the maven-testng-plugin, or the testng command-line tool. You can also run test cases using testng.xml file or programmatically using TestNG class.
In conclusion, TestNG is a powerful and widely-used testing framework for Java. It is designed to cover all types of tests including unit, functional, integration, and end-to-end. It provides many advanced features such as data-driven testing, parallel test execution, test groups, and flexible test configuration that makes it a popular choice for Java developers. TestNG also provides support for test reporting and logging and allows customizing test reports and logging using listener API. With its various features, TestNG makes test automation and reporting more robust, maintainable and efficient. It’s worth learning and incorporating TestNG in your test automation projects.